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London College of Clinical Hypnosis
LCCH Hypnotherapy & Hypnosis Training Courses


British Society of Clinical Hyponosis

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Hypnotherapy training courses worldwide

Setup in 1984 the London College of Clinical Hypnosis (LCCH) provides professional hypnotherapy and cognitive behavioural hypnotherapy training courses throughout the world including UK (London / Exeter / Manchester / Leeds / Birmingham), Scotland (Glasgow), Portugal, Malaysia and Singapore. More about the hypnotherapy courses we provide worldwide...

Practical skills based learning

During each training weekend you will see most hypnosis / hypnotherapy techniques demonstrated on a fellow member of the class by the lecturer and you will then have the opportunity to experience hypnosis and hypnotherapy yourself when working in pairs. As a result personal development is almost inevitable - in fact most students find it difficult to find any remaining personal issues to work with by the close of their training.

Our hypnosis and hypnotherapy training courses

We run a variety of hypnotherapy courses at a number of levels from introductory courses, courses to enable you to become a therapist yourself - leading to a Practitioner Diploma in Clinical Hypnosis - as well as courses for Medical Professionals. More about our hypnotherapy and hypnosis training courses...

Why choose us?

We believe in an integrative approach to hypnotherapy which means that we blend traditional hypnotherapeutic techniques with the best techniques from NLP, CBT, REBT, EMDR, psychoanalysis, counseling and many other therapies. The result is that you will have a powerful range of highly effective techniques at your disposal enabling you to treat a very wide range of conditions. More about hypnosis and hypnotherapy...

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About hypnosis and hypnotherapy

Hypnosis is a natural state of mind and being that we all enter into on a daily basis for example when waking up or falling asleep. Contrary to popular belief it is not the same thing as being asleep in fact most people hear much of what is being said and remember whatever they need to remember. Importantly when in a hypnotic state we remain fully in control and can open our eyes or move whenever we choose to.

Hypnotherapy is the use of hypnotic states in order to help resolve psychological or pscho-physiological conditions for example to control pain or overcome phobias. Modern forms of hypnotherapy incorporate techniques from other therapies such as NLP, EMDR, CBT and psychoanalysis to facilitate rapid change. This is commonly known as integrative psychotherapy. Hypnotherapy is a form of psychotherapy in its own right and hypnotherapy training is a form of psychotherapy training. In the case of physical illness hypnosis works with the mind body connection.

Conditions treated by clinical hypnosis and hypnotherapy

These include smoking cessation, alcohol control, drug / medication abuse, anxiety, depression, phobias, confidence, low self-esteem, pain, asthma, eczema, psoriasis headaches, migraines, tics, psychosexual issues, impotence, erectile dysfunction, trauma, PTSD and many, many other issues. Where possible we base treatment regimes on established hypnotherapy research.

The hypnotherapy, hypnosis and psychotherapy techniques that we teach on our hypnosis courses

Certificate in Clinical Hypnosis

W/E One

Hypnoidal States, Nature of Hypnosis, Depth of Trance, Laws of Suggestion, State of Mind, Suggestibility Tests, Self-Hypnosis, Eye-Roll, Power of the Mind, Induction LCCH Method, 6 Stages of a Hypnosis Session, Hypnosis Phenomena, Progressive Relaxation, Teaching Self-Hypnosis, Awakening the Subject, Memory Enhancement

W/E Two

Authoritarian Techniques/Sleep Suggestions, Full Ego Strengthening Suggestions, Eye to Eye Induction, Neurological Aspects of Hypnosis, Favourite Place of Relaxation, Physiology, Symptom Manipulation, Use of Suggestions, Contra-Indications, Indirect Forms of Suggestion (Erickson), Short Ego Strengthening Suggestions, Limb Catalepsy/Limb Heaviness, Taking a Case History, Preparing the Subject for Posthypnotic Suggestions, Eye Fixation/Eye Roll Induction, Tactile Induction, Memory Enhancement

W/E Three

Eye Closure Induction, Hand Levitation, Deepener (10-1), Posthypnotic Inductions, Ideo Motor Responses (I.M.R.), Deepener (NOWwww), Countdown Techniques, Utilization of I.M.R., Vogt's Fractionation Method, Installing I.M.R., Posthypnotic Suggestions - Utilisation, Manipulation of Distractions, Communication Skills: Attending and Listening, Memory Enhancement

W/E Four

Stop Smoking - Theory, Abreaction, Erickson - Early Learning Set, Introduction to Neuro Linguistic Programming, Basic Elements of NLP, NLP Mirroring / Pacing / Leading, Memory Enhancement, Communication Skills: Active Listening

Practitioner Diploma in Clinical Hypnosis

W/E 1

The Eclectic Nature of Hypnotherapy, Hemispheric Functioning of the Brain, Taking a Case History, Problem Identification and Goal Setting, Ethical Practice and Confidentiality, An Introduction to Erickson Hypnosis, Clinical Supervision, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Practice Management, Therapeutic Outline, Rapid Eye Defocus, Healing White Light, Clinical Application of Self - Hypnosis, Exam Format

Locus of Control, Behavioural Psychotherapy, Ethical Practice, Aversion, Performance Anxiety, Nail Biting, Phobic Disorders, Hypnodesensitisation, Assertiveness Training

The Meta Model, Generalisations, Deletions and Distortions, The Yes Set, Calibration, The Use of the Negative, Ethical Practice, Anchoring, Snoring, Hand Rotation, Stammering, Confusion Techniques, Pattern - Breaking Inductions

Introduction to Dissociation, Truism, Truisms Utilizing Time, Clinical Supervision, Dissociation and Deepening, Two-stage Dissociation, Ethical Practice, Stop Smoking, Sleep and sleep Disorders, Insomnia, The Therapeutic use of Dreams, Tranquillisers and Sleeping Pills, Common Anxiolytic and Hypnotic Drugs

An Overview of Dissociation Techniques, Goal Setting, Ethical Practice, Dissociation an Neurosis, Secondary Gains, Two stage Dissociation, One Part Dissociation, IMR Dissociation Therapy, Night Terrors, Multiple part Dissociation

Case History and Therapy Session, 'Not Knowing' and 'Not Doing', Open-Ended Suggestions, I.M.R. Therapy, Weight Control, Fattening Food Script, Healthy Eating Habits Script, Binge Eating, Specialised Approach for Eating Control, Dissociation/Hand Levitation, Garden Script

Psychology of Pain, Covering all Possibilities of Response, Compound Suggestions, The Use of Questions, Glove Anaesthesia, Hypnosis and Pain Control, Headaches, Magnetic Field Induction, Psuedo-Orientation in Time, Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Healing the Inner Child, Ethical Dilemma 1, Dermatology, Self Integration Dissociation, Panic Attacks and Panic Disorder, Free Floating Psuedo-Orientation in Time, Miscellaneous Psuedo-Orientation in Time, Control Room of the Mind

The Interspersal Technique, Ethical Dilemma 2, Transactional Analysis, Time Distortion, Reversing Subjective Time, Time Distortion Induction and Deepener, Dystonia, Asthma, Stress Management, Modifying Thought Patterns, The Wise Old Person

Understanding Paranoia and Delusional States, Ethical Dilemma 3, Regressions, Diagnostic Scale Regression, Erythrophobia, The Mask, Suggested Amnesia, Automatic Writing, Tinnitus, Hypnosis in Sport, Minds Eye Deepener

Specific Age Regression, Free Floating Regression, Symptom Manipulation via Regression, Miscellaneous Regressions, Positive Phobia Replacement, Obstetrics (Childbirth), Hypnosis with Children, Childhood Anxiety Disorders, The Braiding Process, Nocturnal Enuresis

Psychodrama and Hypnodrama, The Use of Metaphor, Past Life Regression, Psychogenic Infertility, Depression, Rhythmic Eye Movement Induction, Memory Substitution, Hypnodontics, Bruxism, Hallucinations

LCCH Advanced Studies short courses may include topics such as the following

Solution Focussed Therapy, Solution Focussed Hypnotherapy, Cardiovascular Hypnosis, Apposition of Opposites Therapy, Excessive Alcohol Consumption, Theoretical Case History 1 - Hypertension, Exam Format, Polarity Dissociation

Drug Abuse, Advanced Pseudo-Regressive Therapy, Anger Management, Technique for Overcoming Restrictive Feelings, Fast Phobia 'Cure', ADD / ADHD, Theoretical Case History 2 - Anger Management, Rapid Induction Techniques

EMDR Therapy, EMDR - Protocol for an Unresolved Past Trauma, Trauma and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Eating Disorders, Bulimia Nervosa and Binge Eating Disorder, The Coach, EMDR Protocol for Performance Anxiety, Theoretical Case History 3 - Bulimia Nervosa, DSM IV Criteria for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

EMDR - Protocol for Unresolved Recent Trauma, Bereavement and Loss, Anorexia Nervosa, Pregnancy Loss, Quantum Psychology, Symptom Deconstruction, Symptom Signalling, Symptom De-labelling, Theoretical Case History 4 - Bereavement, Inner Emptiness Reintegration

EMDR - Phobia Protocol, EMDR - Blockages in Processing, Hypnosis in Oncology, Mind-Body Dissociation, Eye Movement Integration Therapy, Theoretical Case History 5 - Adverse Reaction to Chemotherapy, HIV and AIDS

Working With Terminal Illness, Time Line Techniques, The Resource Ratchet, Paradoxical Intervention, Sex, Sexuality and Relationships, Psychosexual Disorders, Theoretical Case History 6 - Psychosexual Dysfunction

Sexual Abuse, Working With Adult Survivors of Sexual Abuse, Transference and Countertransference, Ego State Therapy (Part One), Theoretical Case History 7 - Sexual Abuse Survivor Understanding Dissociative Identity Disorder, Guidelines for Working with Deaf Patients

Emotional Abuse, Physical Abuse, Rape and Sexual Assault, The Swish Technique, Ego State Therapy (Part Two), Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Theoretical Case History 8 - Rape Survivor, Belief Systems, Cultural Competency and Therapy

About the Course, Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy, Basic Principles and Practice, Meaning of Healthy and Unhealthy Beliefs, Types of Cognitions, Belief Pairs, Psychological Disturbance, Healthy and Unhealthy Emotions, Mixed Emotions and Meta Emotions, Action Tendencies and Behaviour, ABCDE Model, Process of Change, Principle of Psychological Interactionism, Building the Therapeutic Alliance

Dealing with Misconceptions, The First Session, Explaining your Therapeutic Work i.e. Hypnosis with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Teaching ABCDE, Distinguishing Between Healthy and Unhealthy Emotions, Understanding Client Problems, Assessing Unhealthy Emotions and Behaviours, Assessing the Activating Event, Challenges in Assessing the C of the ABC, Challenges in Assessing the A of the ABC

Relevance of Pre-hypnotic Work, Assessing the Unhealthy Belief, Theory Driven Approach, Open Ended Approach, Setting a Goal in Line with the Assessed Problem, Assessing Meta-emotional Problems, Teaching Clients the View of Therapeutic Change, Dealing with Objections to Emotional Responsibility, Commitment to Change, Undermining the Negative Aspects of Goals

Erickson and Cognitive and Behavioural Therapy, Disputing Unhealthy Beliefs, Purpose of Disputing, When to Dispute Client's Unhealthy Beliefs, Disputing Unhealthy and Healthy Beliefs, Homework Assignments, Understanding and Integration

Alert Hypnosis, Integrating the Healthy Solution, Obstacles in Integration

Integrative Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy, Part(s) Dissociation Therapy, Regression, Inner Child, Apposition of Opposites, Direct Suggestions

Applications of Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy, Performance Anxiety, Panic Disorder, Phobias, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Depression

Eating Disorders, Weight Control, Assertiveness Training, Goal Directed Therapy, The Process of Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy, Review, Exam Brief and Format

LCCH hypnotherapy and hypnosis training centres

UK: London, Exeter, Leeds, Birmingham, Manchester Scotland: Glasgow, Malaysia, Singapore, Portugal